TEAM Cloud Universal Credits
TEAM Cloud Universal Credits (TCUC) lets customers use any TEAM Cloud OCI platform service in any TEAM Cloud region or indeed any Oracle Public Cloud Region*, including future cloud services.
You commit to an annual spend of TEAM Cloud Universal Credits that can be used at any time for any TEAM Cloud OCI services (and more! See below). Credits are debited as you use TEAM Cloud OCI services over the course of a year (Annual Flex 1) or over 3 years (Annual Flex 3), giving you the flexibility to ramp up your workloads.
Annual Flex 1 plans offer consumption rate card that is 10% discounted from the PAYG/List rate card or almost all TEAM Cloud services.
Annual Flex 3 plans offer consumption rate card that is 15% discounted from the PAYG/List rate card for almost all TEAM Cloud services.
Purchasing a sufficient number of TEAM Cloud Universal Credits entitles you to volume discounts on eligible support and managed services. If you consume all your credits before the end of the contract cloud services period you still get the same contracted rate for services, unlike with some other cloud providers, who charge list price if you exceed the contract.
If you exceed your annual commitment during the cloud services period, TEAM Cloud will invoice you monthly in arrears for their excess usage based on the rate card pricing established in your order document and reflected in your Cloud Portal.
You benefit from a predictable bill and the flexibility to consume services where and when you need them. You can change service usage at any time. This flexibility gives you the freedom to try any service without being locked in - including flexible shapes. The TEAM Cloud Universal Credits model allows you to commit to a specific dollar spend services period; however, your hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly spend can vary during the cloud services period. This helps alleviate budget surprises and smooth expenditures.
For the first subscription term with TEAM Cloud, you are able to extend the consumption period for Annual Flex 1, from 12 months to 18 months to ensure you get the greatest value for your investment. You are also able to consume unused credits (up to 20% of the original subscription value) against support, managed services, professional services and eligible software licensing provided by TEAM IM and other partners, such as ContentWorX, Syl Enterprise Search and other TEAM Cloud 3rd party TEAM Cloud Marketplace offerings.
Pricing Resources
Learn more about our pricing and why it's the best value in New Zealand below.