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100+ Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services - right here in New Zealand

TEAM Cloud offers access to more than 100 OCI services, providing a wide range of cloud computing resources, including computing power, storage options, and advanced cloud technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities.

This extensive suite of services allows New Zealand organisations to leverage cutting-edge technologies to innovate, scale, and transform their operations efficiently.

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A Focus on Performance and Savings

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Our expertise in cloud migration and support of major content management systems has proven to be both cost-effective and successful in achieving the goals of clients in many fields, not least of which are government and higher education. 

Our IaaS cloud and PaaS cloud services have consistently improved performance and increased infrastructure savings for our clients—whether those clients are in the private or public sector.

The Five S's

TEAM Cloud is distinguished in the New Zealand cloud services market through a strategic focus on five key pillars, which are designed to address specific needs and concerns of New Zealand businesses, government agencies, and indigenous communities, offering a unique value proposition compared to other hyperscale cloud providers planning operations in New Zealand.

Speak with one of our team today to learn how to get started with TEAM Cloud.